Benefits of Microscopy
in Wastewater Operations
• Establishing relative “baseline” conditions/ getting an idea of what “normal” is.
• Diagnosing cause of problems to help troubleshoot when needs arise.
• “Occasionally (not always) can make process control changes prior to problems occurring.

Ryan Hennessy is a recognized authority in the field of wastewater microbiology in large part in gratitude to Dr. Michael Richard who has spent over 10 years (and counting) mentoring, providing training support, and helping Ryan navigate a path in the wastewater industry. Dr. Richard's career has a pivotal role in building on Eickelboom's original wastewater filament types and linking various filaments to associated causes, exploring and pioneering what are now considered standard troubleshooting operating practices, and training thousands of operators in wastewater microscopy over a decorated 40 plus year career. Along with Dr. David Jenkins (rest in eternal peace) and with support from Glenn Daigger textbooks such as the Manual on the Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking, Foaming, and Other Solids Separation Problems 3rd Edition (2004) have been broadly recognized as the gold standard for wastewater microbiology over previous generations.
Benefits of Professional
Microscopic Evaluation
- Wastewater microscopy can be subjective, is a unique skillset, and in our belief there is a relatively small amount of people who are proficient in this area.*
- Services offered by us are straight forward. We do not sell any products and while we occasionally recommend trusted colleagues in appropriate instances our business model is based only on microscopy services and consulting.
- Often times a trusted 3rd party can help confirm suspicions of what issues are suspected and can be beneficial in obtaining the resources needed for correction
* Note that there is also a high amount of people who are highly knowledgeable and occasional split samples may be useful for “calibration”.